Reviews for Frequency Adjuster® Om Healing Wand

Amazing instrument. I would recommend it to everyone.

– Barbara Hall

I have been a psychic, spiritualist, lightworker for 35+ years and I thought I had seen everything I needed and wanted to enhance my abilities to help others. That is until I spoke with Kathy. She informed me of the frequency adjuster during a phone conversation and I decided it was something I needed in my life before I even seen it. Immediately, things started falling into place in my life that I hadn’t imagined would be possible for at least another year and within days, many goals started coming to fruition.

She explained that when I made the decision to have the frequency adjuster it started working! That’s the most amazing thing I’ve heard heard of and witnessed. Now that I have it in my new home, things are continuing to align for my little family. Now, I want everyone to know about it and make sure I share my testimony with my clients because I want to help everyone I can. Thank you Kathy for bringing this incredible tool to humanity!

– Ms. Rhea

I purchased the Frequency Adjuster and instantly I felt the energy of it, even before I did the aligning process. It emits a calming, balancing energy to me throughout the day and I even felt this energy in my spine, flowing. It is a very good ally of mine and I believe it's got my back!

I would highly recommend this tool to help you maintain balance and inner integrity throughout your daily life.

– Bryn Durham, Health Practitioner

I just want to thank you again for all the days you sent me a little inspiration text. I'm not kidding Kathy you helped to save my life and open myself to know what I already knew! You helped me understand how to let go of my fear and release that energy and I am eternally grateful. You have made a lot of brownie points in heaven for helping me and so many others. I love you soooo much!!!!

And Yes I have the Frequency Adjuster with me and feel how amazing it is too!

– Paula Briseno

I first met Kathy over a year ago and she changed my life! I was suffering from an autoimmune disorder that greatly inhibited my health And overall well-being. After one session with Kathy, my autoimmune disorder symptoms subsided. I honestly believed I would have to be on medication and diet restrictions for the rest of my life, but Kathy completely transformed my health for the better. When I first learned about the frequency adjuster, I knew it would be amazing!

I started using my frequency adjuster 2 months ago and can feel the energy running through my body while using it. I find it hard to meditate sometimes but this really helps calm me down and put my mind at ease. I really love the frequency adjuster!

– Stacey Fauvie

Thank you, Kathy! I feel a heightened sense of calmness, and being grounded. I feel a harmonious flow to my activities. Great!

– Cheryl

The minute you hold the frequency adjuster you can feel the vibration. It is very loving energy and I call it my God stick. My personal reaction is that I feel grounded, safe and connected even more so. When working with Kathy, she is intuitive and very present with you and especially your energy field, another important key to adjusting your frequency. I highly recommend Kathy for personal sessions, you will be pleased with the results.


I have one! And after getting the Frequency Adjuster, I was talking to my sister and she said to me “You’ve changed.” I asked her in what way and she said there were specific things that I usually do that I was no longer doing! Oh, she didn’t know that I had one, until now of course. That FB ain’t no more secrets! Great invention Kathy!

– Dr. Debra Harris

I have had the Frequency Adjuster for almost four months. During that time my life goals and purpose have been revealed to me. Are continuing path of synchronicities have occurred in amazing ways to lead me through my journey of self-development. It seems I am now “in the flow” since attuning the frequency adjuster.

– Michael

I had first used the frequency adjuster at the beginning of September 2017. To be entirely truthful, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be feeling or how to use it properly. But once I held it, I could immediately feel the vibration throughout my entire body, and even more so once I began to use it while in meditation. I was able to feel more “present” than I had ever experienced before. It allowed me to be more in tune with my emotions which is difficult for me to experience from time to time.

Two weeks later, after experiencing some recent letdowns at work with my sales position, I closed 2 of my biggest deals since I started with my company 2 years ago! It’s not coincidence, I owe my recent good fortune to Kathy and the Frequency Adjuster!

– John Burke

I can personally attest to how wonderful this is and how much I appreciate having mine. Thank you, Kathy!

– Amy McKenzie

I was skeptical at first, what is this thing? Is it magical? How does that work? Why does it work?! After adjusting it to me, I could feel the energy from it. My whole life, I have had psychic experiences, but they had faded and I was not really noticing that the ability was getting dull until I got the frequency adjuster. Now it’s crazy in a good way! I feel it is an amazing tool that everyone should have. For lots of reasons! For me and my life, it has changed for the better! Thank you Kathy for your great invention!

– Krista Corrado

During my first session with Kathy, I could physically feel a transformation to a greater lightness in my whole being. Since then I meditate with my Frequency Adjuster daily. Doing this has made me impervious to the negative energies that bombard us all on a daily basis. I will continue to use my Frequency Adjuster and I will continue to seek sessions with Kathy. God sends us Angels to help us along our path in life. Kathy is truly an earth Angle and the Frequency Adjuster is a gift to us all.

– Linda Marie Snow